Thursday, 29 March 2012

lent day 37 - shoulder w/o + onion soup

no chocolate

no crisps

shoulder workout as follows -

5 x 5l/5r 6kg club torch press
6 x 6l/6r 16kg kbell military press
5 x 10l/10r 6kg club frontal arm cast

this was a great session - all reps were 100% strict - no momentum involved shoulders feel like 2 big melons (shame they only look like 2 oranges!)

also spent the evening making onion soup inspired by "the swing" - boiled the chicken carcass and some herbs and made some rich stock then cooked the onions - combined the 2 and added some of the meat stripped from the chicken and cant wait til lunch tomorrow! rest in the freezer for another time

half the stock left over for making saturday soup which consists of emptying the fridge into a pot and cooking before we go shopping for next weeks food - it make for gooooood soup

thats all sng

like this quote - need to live by it though!

the difference between "who you are" and "who you want to be" is "what you do"

shoulders today, what to do??

today is shoulder work out - not sure what to do - last week went a little like this -

5 x 10 l/r 6kg club torch press
5 x 5 l/r military press
5 x 10 l/r club swipes

which left me with tender front delts - only thing was the torch press left me very weak for the military press - so should i do the military press first?? then the torch press or do i just concentrate on the military press for higher reps and drop the torch this week? decisions to make ..... will follow whatever i do with some club work, but again i will see how fried my shoulders are before moving onto the club and deciding which exercise to do

laters sng

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

lent day 36 - more swings by tracy rif

no chocolate

no crisps

swing workout as follows - 16kg

10 2hd swings x 5 sets 2.5min
20 2hd swings x 5 sets 5min
5l/5r x 5 sets 2.5min
10 2hd swings x 5 sets 2.5min
20 2hd swings x 5 sets 5min
5l/5r/5l/5r x 5 sets 5min
10 2hd swings x 5 sets 2.5

powerswing w/o as follows - 20kg

8 powerswings
7 powerswings 2 swings
6 powerswings 4 swings
5 powerswings 6 swing
4 powerswings 8 swings

550 swings / 30 mins / 2 pints sweat!!!!

felt good to sweat like this enjoyed the routine and the time flew - hands sore - right hip not right just feels all out of line and sharp pains on impact (even walking?)

laters sng

Sore shoulder.....

last nights waiter walks have left me quite tender - not sure if its in a good way or not??

today i plan to swing using one of tracy rifs workouts from "the swing" - followed by a power swing addition

cant wait hope i can get it done in the sun!

that is all sng

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

sledgehammer swings/waiter walks

tuesdays workout as follows -

10 sets sledgehammer swings tabata style 40/20 - +-34 swings per set

5 x 16kg 120ft waiter walks l/r

found the waiter walks very difficult today after the sledgehammer swings - shoulders felt weak and not necessarily in the socket??!

this was ok and seems to be the exact opposite of kettlebell swings - hopefully getting some balance in the work out.

tomorrow is swing tracy style - cant wait

ttfn sng

lent days 35 - plan is sledgehammer work/waiter walks

no crisps

no chocolate

so far.......

todays workout planned as follows -

10-15 mins tabata style sledgehammer swings

5-10 l/r sets waiter walks with 16kg bell

rack walk 2 x 16kg to failure

no chocolate or crisps on day 34 but despite 2 blog entries no mention? must be getting easier?

thats all sng

Monday, 26 March 2012

swing work out by tracy rif +powerswings

tonights work out was as follows -

25 min/16kg
10 x 2hd swing x 5 sets 15/15
5l/5r x 5 sets 15/15
20 x 2hd swing x 5 sets 30/30
5l/5r/5l/5r x 5 stes 30/30
10 x 2hd swing + 5l/5r 30/30
5l/5r + 10 2 hd swing 30/30

5 min powerswing - 20kg
5 x pswing + 6 swing
4 x pswing + 8 swing
3 x pswing + 10 swing
2 x pswing + 12 swing
1 x pswing + 14 swing

totals 30 mins - 565 swings

all above inspired by tracy reifkinds new book "the swing"/and her blog

dinner tonight was also sponsered by tracy - lots of vegetables no starchy carbs

feel good after that - albeit a bit tired !

laters sng

lent days 31,32,33 - rest days (involuntary!)

so over the last three days i have managed to stick to my lent pledge - no chocolate and no crisps

i have also done the sum total of 0 work out which over the weekend aint good - this is when i need to get the longer workouts in - but alas it wasn't to be

friday was a long busy day at the office - and when i arrived home i was straight into fatherhood duites as my lovely wife was heading out with work pals

saturday we were at a wedding - sounds easy? - no - yvette had her hair cut in the morning, we were selling used childrens bits at a 2nd hand sale so all that was to drop and then get ourselves ready = full day gone!

sunday was a family day - we have all been very tired wb not sleeping much therefore none of us are! i can just about get by on little sleep but yvette and o struggle - due to the unseasonly warm weather we had a day in the garden - AND IT WAS THE BEST!!! So work out etc took a back seat - we needed that time to enjoy each others company and chill out

so back to it today with a renewed vigour!

im thinking a 25 min swing work out followed by some sledgehammer work

ttfn sng

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Lent day 30 - swing workout

No chocolate

No crisps

Workout as follows - simply swings

10 2hd swings x 5 sets
20 2hd swings x 5 sets
5l/5r swings x 5 sets
10 2hd swings x 5 sets
20 2hd swings x 5 sets
5l/5r/5l/5r x 5 sets
10 2hd swings x 5sets

(taken from "the swing" by Tracy rif

25 mins total all done with 16kg kettlebell

Took my 1st step towards a new style diet today and my evening meal was served with a plate full of veg and no starchy carbs - again inspired by Tracy rif

Sweet as


today i will mainly be swinging.....

shoulders quite sore today - i think the work out last night did its job!

on the plus side my legs are pretty much my own again - so thats good and should allow me a reasonable swing workout this evening

thinking along the lines of 25 mins combination of 1 and 2 hd swings with 16kg kettlebell - maybe throw some SH swings/tyre flips as a finisher

sounds like a plan


Wednesday, 21 March 2012

lent day 29 - shoulder workout

no chocolate

no crisps

work out as follows -

5 x 10l/10r 6kg (powerclub) torch press
5 x 5l/5r 16kg (kettlebelll) military press
5 x 10l/10r 6kg powerclub swipes

top work out - very tough - shoulders = toast!!



Weigh day and maybe some powerclub (shoulder dependent)

weighed in this morning and im embarrassed to reveal i weigh in at a whopping - 13st10lb

no more than i expected but still hate to see such a high number on the scale - i have a couple of social events coming up where i will need to eat whats put in front of me but otherwise im in the zone and i am going to create the body i want not the one im stuck in!!!!!!

training today - legs are shot so i reckon some powerclub work for the shoulders to give the legs a rest - maybe some presses 1st? - i shall see

laters sng

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Lent day 28 - simply swings

No chocolate

No crisps

Work out as follows -

20 sets x 20 2 hd 16kg swings 30/30 work/rest

400 swings 20 mins work

These were a lot tougher than they should have been - but still had power swings in my legs from sunday

Tomorrow will have to be club work to avoid use of the legs!!

Ttfn sng

working on a plan

reference my thoughts yesterday on finding a balance im contemplating the following -

3 days swings - 20 mins - 40mins

2-3 days doing circuits of some sort - using sledgehammer,tyre,squats,snatches etc - see recent workouts - 15 mins - 20 mins

1 rest day - minimum

that's all


Monday, 19 March 2012

lent day 27 - monday's workout

no chocolate

no crisps

work out as follows -

12 rounds of -

30 sledgehammer swings

20 step up on to tyre

done tabata style +-1 min work off 20 secs rest

followed by 10 sledgehammer swings L/R to side of tyre(this move is quite alien and quite uncomfortable)
this was real tough made my heart jump through my chest man!! and my lungs ache!

legs very tired and heavy from power swing work out yesterday - need to find a balance in these workouts - so they are long enough to do good - yet short enough so i can keep it up every day - my body is sometimes slow to recover if i go at it too hard

laters sng

Sunday, 18 March 2012

lent day 26 - swings/powerswings

no chocolate

no crisps

work out as follows -

6 x 20 1hd swings (30/30 work/rest) 12kg
4 x 20 1hd swings (30/30 work/rest) 16kg

followed by - tracy reifkinds powerswing workout (20kg)

8 power swings
7 power swings 2 swings
6 power swings 4 swings
5 power swings 6 swings
4 power swings 8 swings
3 power swings 10 swings
2 power swings 12 swings
1 power swings 14 swings

this was great reminded me why i love the kettlebell

legs toasted

laters sng

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Still no training, chocolate or crisps + a new start?

Friday - despite enthusiasm to match any - life and pain got in the way of my training - car in garage, Yvette unable to get there to collect - long story short no time to train and rushing round managed to tweak my hip - which has remonstrated ever since
Saturday - no enthusiasm due to too much pain - in short FUCK

All this idling around has given me time to think and I think the time has come (I have said this before I know BUT this time I mean it! - I've said that before too but here's hoping) for me to loose weight and get in good shape - no more kidding myself - a proper life style change

I have to do this for me
I have to do this for my wife

if I don't - who knows - fat people don't have the best prospects in life and I want my boys to have a dad . (full stop)


Friday, 16 March 2012

lent days 23 + 24 - rested due to life!!

no chocolate

no crisps

no workouts - mainly down to the fact that my life is so damned hectic on wed/thur due to my lovely wife been at work!
wednesday i worked until 530 then rushed around and collected the boys from yvette at 615 and then got them home and fed them and got them to bed - by the time yvetee was home and we had eaten it was 9pm = no work out!
thursday worked late and then rushed round to make food and feed everyone - by the time the kids were in bed i had given up the idea of working out and dozed all evening before heading to bed early

plan to do a swing work out today - involving powerswings and normal swings and a 20kg bell!

that is all sng

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Tuesday's work out

Today's workout went a little like this -

10 rounds of -

40 secs Sledgehammer swings/20 secs rest (+-31 reps/40secs)

Followed by 6 min 30 secs snatch test = 14 x 12 reps - 168 reps total

Great session shoulders and upper back toasted!!!

Done and dusted - sng

lent day 22 - back to work

no chocolate

no crisps

plan on doing tabata style Sledgehammer swings followed by 6 1/2 min snatch test (12kg)

after 4 great days off with the family - I HAD TO RETURN TO WORK :-(
not my idea of fun at the moment - we are very stretched at the moment and everyone's stress levels are running high - ultimately i can control just about everyone mood by giving either the answer they want to here or giving them the truth!
well ive had enough pacifying adults and today they have had the truth! very stressed peeps knocking about now! nuff said

ttfn sng

Monday, 12 March 2012

Lent day 21 - Mondays work out

No chocolate

No crisps

SOME chips (mmmmmm yum)

Workout as follows -

5 rounds-

120ft waiter walk l/r 16kg

15 club swipes l/r 6kg

Followed by -

2 x 180 ft rack walks 2 x 16kg
300ft farmers walk 2 x 16kg

That's all


lent days 17 to 20 - not much to speak of really

no chocolate (well, that depends if cocoa is classed as chocolate - but in my world its fine and only a one off)
no crisps - i really did struggle here as my lovely wife bought and tucked into pringle over a 2 day period - it was hell - me like pringles!!!!!!!

exercise as follows -

thursday - rest day

friday - on docs advice i am going to try and throw in some walking despite the pain - and to be fair it was ok pain was a 6/10 by the end but thats ok i can do 6/10

sarurday workout as follows -

3 rounds of -

10 front squats 20kg
10/10 clean/press 16kg
10/10 snatch 12kg
20 step ups
20/20 sledgehammer swings

took around 20 mins - and felt ok c/p was more difficult than i remember!


Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Lent day 16 - power club workout

No chocolate

No crisps

Great work out !! With power club as follows -

4 sets each of the following-

8/8 arm cast off
8/8 transverse arm cast
8/8 frontal shoulder circle
8/8 frontal arm cast
8/8 triceps extensions

No rest between sets / 30 secs to 1 min between exercises

Felt good BUT right shoulder uncomfortable afterwards - must monitor


lent day 15 - rest day

no chocolate

no crisps

no temptation !

no work out

had appointment with the consultant today regards my hip problem - no good news, no miracle just fobbed off as far as I am concerned - so here's to a life of pain and suffering

the osteoarthritis is not advanced enough to act, i am too young to act and deal with it basically - well I've been dealing with it since June and nothing has changed - I still cant walk properly, I still cant sleep and I'm still as down as hell about it

not sure I can cope

later sng

Monday, 5 March 2012

Lent day 14 - Mondays workout

No chocolate

No crisps

10 rounds of -

20 2hd swings 16kg

10 tyre flips

Little if no rest between sets - felt good last few sets tough but wel worth it

Laters sng

lent day - 13 no work out

Day 13 - no chocolate and a near miss on the crisp front - lunchtime brought soup and a roll, yvette followed hers up with crisps and she dutifully offered me some and without a thought i opened the pack and ate 2 before the realisation hit "bollocks" i think i uttered before handing the open pack back to my dear!

work out didn't happen - had a niggle or 2 in the shoulders - both seem to be related to sleep position - just can get settled due to pain in hip and end up in odd positions resulting in stiffness in shoulders and back

so will complete the planned work out today instead - i'm sure the rest will have done me some good

laters sng

Saturday, 3 March 2012

lent day 12 - saturdays workout

more than half way thru the day and i have succumbed to chocolate or crisps! can see this changing much so i think i can tick off 12 days fairly confidently!

workout went a bit like this - (raining out)

9 x 40 sec's SH swings (equated to +-15 l/r)off 20 sec's rest
6 min snatch test - 12kg
aimed and achieved 25 reps per min - total 150 reps

out for lunch with my parents and Aunt - which was fun - dined on crushed pea and carrot soup followed by mackerel fillet and new potatoes - mmmmmmmmm all of which was spoiled by lovely wifes insistance that i shared dessert with her - but hey it was only half!

out for a 30th Birthday dinner tonight which wont be healthy as it is indian food - and in thr uk that means oil oil and more oil!!!!

tomorrow i am thinking a short and sharp sing work out with tyre flips for the rest periods?

laters sng

Lent day 11 - Fridays workout

No chocolate, no crisps and a good if short workout

The workout went a little like this -

4 rounds -

120 ft waiter walks w/16kg bell l/r
15 club swipes 6kg l/r

Felt ok - bizarrely my hip feels better under a heavy ish load??

Work really tough at the moment and needing short stress busting workouts every day rather longer in frequent ones but it seems to be working for me

Tomorrow will be something along the lines of -

Tabata SH swings 7lb 40/20

6 min snatch test @12 kg

Went out for a nice glass of wine and some lovely fruit crumble with my beautiful wife



Thursday, 1 March 2012

Lent day 10 - rest day needed

No choc, no crisps and no workout

Diet poor despite avoiding my usual vices - ate bacon and sausage sandwich (v nice but not healthy eh?) - then baked a cake for pudding tonight - just sponge for the kids - Yvette and I polished it off with home made custard

Legs in bits after squats yesterday so I decided to rest - tomorrow will have to be a quick w/o as I'm always short of time on a Friday - so thinking is -

Rack walks/SH swings tabata style for 10 mins
Followed by 6 min snatch test

Laters sng