Friday, 31 May 2013

Oh yes.....

goal setting june/july 2013.......

last months goals - were
16kg snatch test = DONE
increase snatch weight bell to 20kg = PARTIALLY COMPLETE - USED A LOT MORE
introduce some pull up work = DONE - SUPPORTED ON SWING BAR
build volume swing to 45min/900 rep = HIT 840 REPS IN 39 MINS
introduce 24kg into swing/clean = DONE - USED FOR 1HD SWING AND CLEANS

the next 2 months goals are -
1st objective is the new snatch cycle =16kg/v02 and 20kg/24kg for all heavy work as follows -
16kg vo2 – 7 reps 15/15
20 sets
5/5 X 10
3/3 X 5
22 sets
6/6 X 10
3/3 X 6
24 sets
7/7 X 10
4/4 X 5
20 sets
5/5 X 10
3/3 X 5
26 sets
10L X 6
10R X 6
4/4 X 6
28 sets
12L X 6
12R X 6
5/5 X 5
30 sets
15L X 6
15R X 6
5/5 X 6
20 sets
2nd goal do more with the pull ups - not sure how to progress this with the equipment ive got/the weight i am - but i wont give ill keep playing with it at least (ooo er!)
3rd goal hit the 900 rep swing work out - then start a new cycle introducing the 20kg bell and aiming to complete 45 mins/450 reps with each (16kg/20kg) as follows -
15 x 20 2hd
15 x 20 2hd
16 x 20 2hd
16 x 20 2 hd
17 x 20 2hd
17 x 20 2hd
18 x 20 2hd
18 x 20 2hd
10 x 20 2hd
10 x 20 2hd
19 x 20 2hd
19 x 20 2 hd
20 x 20 2hd
20 x 20 2 hd
21 x 20 2hd
21 x 20 2hd
22 x 20 2hd
23 x 20 2hd
4th goal introduce some triceps work and keep training the press and hit a strict 24kg military press - this is a way off but will come
5th goal keep building the heavy swing work aiming to do more with the 24kg and less of the 20kg

6th goal find some money and buy a 28kg bell!!

so there it is seems so easy now its written down :)  sng

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Heavy swings and sore hands.......

Due to commitments later in the week i have had to shuffle things this week and despite the snatch test last night - the schedule said 1hd swings so thats what i did and boy was this a test - i could hve given up from about the 2nd set but i kept goig and to be fair it got better (it never got good - just better!)
Went like this -

10L x 5 10R x 5 16kg 1hd swings (alternating sets)
12/12 x 10 20kg 1hd swings
6/6 x 10 24kg 1hd swings

Rested extra 2 mins every 5 sets as much for my f*cked hands s anything!!

This was as hard as it gets - my head was telling me to quit after 2 sets and it was a game of cat and mouse after that - "just 1 more set and ill stop" all the way to the end

Well pleased with that - rest tomorrow

Laters sng


After last nights successful snatch test - I thought this was appropriate!
Loving my kettlebells at the moment!

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

13 weeks prep lead up to tonight - 16kg snatch test........

Been training towards this goal for 13 weeks.....
13 weeks of bloody hard work, 13 weeks of sweat, 13 weeks of sore hands - was it worth it? Hell yes - it all paid off and went swimmingly 
A bit like this - 
Warmed up with..
20 sets 7 12kg v02 snatch
5 mins rest
16kg snatch test 
L20,R20,L15,R20,L15,R15,L7=112 reps/5 mins - L57/R55

Work out finished here as my forearms/grip were a real mess!!!


That's it sng

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Sunday, 26 May 2013

kettlebell complex...........

as i am aiming to do a snatch test on tuesday - i decided to ease back a bit today BUT wanted to get the full benefit of a shorter workout - so decided to try a complex.......

went like this-

10/10 swing
10/10 snatch
10 goblet squat
10/10 c/p
10/10 row
5 half press ups

all the above with 12kg bell around 4 mins work to 2 min rest x 4

to say this was very light i was suprised just how much it took out of me!
this might be one for the plan as time goes on....

laters sng

Saturday, 25 May 2013

shoulders, back, biceps and sunburn!..........

i f*cking love working out in the sun! - headed out into the garden this afternoon and did a stellar workout including a few moves with some kindly donated dumbells -the 18c temp and bright sun made it seem all the better (if a bit harder!) -
went like this -
10/10 x 2 12kg kb press strict
10/10 x 2 16kg kb press strict

26kg x 10 x 2 bb press
5/5 9kg side laterals
36kg x 8 x 2 bb press
5/5 9kg side laterals
41kg x 6 x 2 bb press
5/5 9kg side laterals

10/10 x 2 20kg kb rows
5/5 10kg curls+5 dbl hammer curls
10/10 x 2 24kg kb rows
5/5 10kg curls+5 dbl hammer curls
41kg x 10,8,6
5/5 10kg curls+5 dbl hammer curls

oh my that was as tough as can be! LOVED IT


Thursday, 23 May 2013

heavy, heavy swings ....

thursday is for powerswings - but as my hip is not behaving well i stuck
to 1 hd heavy swings - i planned on cleans to follow but as my hip
groaned a bit through the workout i gave them a swerve.....
went like this -

5/5 x 10 16kg 1hd swings - 15/15
10/10 x 10 20kg 1hd swings - otm
5/5 x 10 24kg 1hd swings - otm

this was VERY VERY hard and all be it im glad i did it - i cant say im
not glad its over!



Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Snatch cycle 2 week 6 .........Omg!

This was awesome I have never been so pumped after a workout - my grip and forearms were absolutely shot
Also has a small play with the 24kg bell again after the main bulk of the work
Went a lot like this -

28 x 7 12kg v02 snatch 15/15 - 196 reps
6 x 15 16kg snatch (alternating left/right)
4 x 10 20kg snatch (alternating left/right)
4 x 15 16kg snatch (alternating left/right) -190 reps

3/3 24kg snatch- 6 reps

Jesus wept this was so tough but I thought I would try step it up prior to doing a snatch test in a couple of weeks time

That's all sng

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Swing to max 14/14/14............

Was unsure about doing this today as it made 3 days on the bounce but very pleased I did - I cannot rest and enjoy my snatch workout in Tuesday rather than go into it tired from a Monday workout 
Today's see swings were an increase in volume/reduced rest 
And it went like this -
30 x 14 16kg 2hd swings 45/30 - 420 reps in 17.5 mins
20 x 14 16kg 2hd swings 30/30 - 280 reps in 14 mins
10 x 14 16kg 2hd swings 15/15 - 110 reps in 7 mins

So 840 reps in 38.5 mins 

Top work forearms like steel, grip fried, shirt soaked BOOM


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Saturday, 18 May 2013

kettlebell, barbell, shoulders and back........

after last weeks strict pressing and noticeable gains it was back to pressing and rowing like a demon -

went like this -
10/10 x 2 12kg military press
10 x 2 dbl 16kg military press

36kg x 8 x 2 bb press
38.5kg x 6 x 2 bb press
41kg x 6 x 2 bb press

1/1 x 12kg bottoms up press - this was better and made both reps but needed very brief assist to stabilise in the rack

10 x 3 dbl 16kg kb row
10/10 x 4 24kg kb row

38.5kg x 10 x 3 bb row

felt very good but disapointed to say that left shoul;der is still uncomfortable in the press which doea/will hold back much progress
back work was good and need to look to something else besides rows but got limited options with my equipment and not strong enough for pull ups (maybe negatives/partials?)

latres sng

Friday, 17 May 2013

heavy 1 hd swings......

powerswings have been giving me some grief around my right hip so i decided to switch things round a little - to try keep the weight/difficulty up by switching to 1 hd swings (which i havent done in months) and had it in my head that i wanted to swing the 24kg for reps
so thats what i did - went like this  -

5/5 x 10 16kg swings (v02 style)
5/5 x 10 20kg swings (v02 style)
5/5 x 5
24kg swings all - on the minute

5/5 x 5 24kg cleans - on the minute

this was very tough and wasnt the best for the hip - but the aftermath was fine in comparison to the powersings
felt very strong

this was delayed by a day due to youngest son been ill and in hosp on thursday

that is all sng

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

snacth cycle 2 week 5.... and a PB

wasnt looking forward to this after last nights swings and a fair amount of DOMS!
but if its planned it has to be done! went like this -

26 x 7 12kg v02 snatches 15/15 - last set 14 reps each side
8 sets - alternating 10l/10r 16kg snatches
6 sets - alternating 10l/10r 20kg snatches
4 sets - alternating 10l/10r 16kg snatches - last set 15 reps (each side)

then decided it was about time i should try the 24kg -

1/1 x 2 24kg snatches PB -very pleased with this felt quite comfortable over head and something to build on

hell yes laters sng

Kettle bells make me......

Monday, 13 May 2013

volume swings and double cleans.......

plan was very straight forward - 32 x 25 2hd swings 37/30 work/rest
reality was less straight forward - did the work as abouve but with a
number of 2-4 min breaks whilst i attended to a screaming child! (oliver
was scared in his room after looking at the album cover for "thriller")
so managed the 800 swings in +-45 mins instead of the planned +-37 mins
followed up with -
3 x 10 dbl 16kg cleans
bugger me these are hard - been so short doesnt help as my stance has to
be so wide i struggle with the hip thrust?
but i will keep working on these and see how i go
that is all keep swinging sng

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Sunday swings postponed.......

Family life was the priority today and I was cool with that...
It certainly wasn't the end of the world as I have the worst DOMS in my delts and lats - so swings are now rescheduled for Monday pm
Bring it on

Saturday, 11 May 2013

shoulders and back - ketlebells only.......

what a shit hot workout - looks like the barbell work is paying off and i am definately getting stronger !!
whats more no pain in my left shoulder (a little discomfort but nothing compared to workouts of late)
went like this -
10/10 x 2 12kg military press
7/7 16kg military press - ALL STRICT!
4/4 20kg military press - ALL STRICT!
3/3+2/2+1/1 20kg military press superset - ALL STRICT!
massive improvement here no push presses - not needed.....

10 x 4 dbl 16kg bent rows
10/10 x 4 20kg bent rows
5/5/5/5 x 4 24kg bent rows
this was really strong - barbell work paying off here too i reckon

thats all sng

Thursday, 9 May 2013

heavy swings v02 stylee......

so reset pressed and workout done - was very tough as my hip was all out
of line therefore painful and uncomfortable from start to finish - but
its done all the same and i feel invigorated if nothing else....

went like this -
10 x 10 16kg 2hd swings 15/15
1 min rest
10 x 10 20kg 2hd swings 15/15
1 min rest
10 x 5 24kg 2hd swings/1 min rest x 4

so 400 swings - 8400kg lifted/swung - despite the pain - all is good


Push the button.......


after a slightly off week last week, all be it i didnt miss any workout and hit each and every goal on the nose - the will just wasnt there!
this week has been a different matter - had some disturbing news over the weekend which resulted in having to have our dog of 16 yrs put to sleep and if im honest im heartbroken - so i missed a couple of planned workouts and spent time with the family working through it - i guess this is part of life and these things will always come and try me and test me - so i wont beat myself up about missed workouts, sets and reps


so back at it tonight with powerswings - and/or heavy swings not sure yet will depend on how i feel/how my hip is behaving

just for note -

missed high volume swings
missed v02/heavy swings

thats it sng

Saturday, 4 May 2013

shoulders and back...........increase weight not volume

todays workout again nearly didnt happen - had a rough day and some bad
news and really just felt like dwelling on things and taking it easy but
i pulled my finger out and went for it all the same -
went a lot like this-
5/5/5/5 x 2 12kg kb military press
10 x 2 dbl 16kg kb military press

36kg x 8 x 2 bb military press
38.5kg x 6 x 2 bb military press
41kg x 6 bb military press

10 x 2 dbl 16kg kb row
5/5/5/5 x 2 24kg kb row

38.5kg x 8 x 3 bb row

shoulders were not easy and my left side is still sore and uncooperative
but as i got into the bar presses i moved the grip about a bit and found
a comfy position (slightly narrower than should be comfortable!)
back work was NICE i really like back work and i can feel every rep
working where it should
thats all

Friday, 3 May 2013

Week 12 powerswings.....

Should have been a cut back week - but as I missed a workout 2 weeks ago I did a full session and despite not feeling much like it after work it went very well.....

Like this -

20 x 10 20kg powerswings
10 x 8 24kg powerswings

10 x 10 double 16kg cleans

Felt strong as - but also very cumbersome? Not sure why just bloated and uncomfortable

Hey ho great session all the same
