Tuesday, 13 May 2014

SUNDAY 11.05.14



Friday, 28 March 2014

Forgive me father.....it been 2 weeks since my last blog.!



company has been taken over and i have gained a role right in the middle of all thats going on and i havent had time to shit!!!!!!
BUT im not moaning its been fun - after a couple of years of doubt hanging over the business it looks like we have a future (for now anyway!) - but so early into my hip op recovery it has been a test and i have been very very tired - but i think i passed the test and after 3 weeks of madness im still going

downside has been that exercises/walking and anything else i had dreamed of moving forward with has very much been back burning

i s till walk minimum twice a day but the lunchtime effort has been clipped a little due to meeting and been on the road
i have swung a kettlebell a few times and will continue to do as im still only capable of a small amount and it fits in well on tuesday i did it a 10pm! so i will build on this and consistency is the name of the game so i will do my level to hit 3-4 times a week

watch this space - and in the meantime i best get some more work done.........

Thursday, 13 March 2014

so far this week i have.....

walked 3 times everyday..
done 30 rounds on the heavy bag - sadly my boxing gloves were moldy in the back of the garage so i have tender knuckles and new mitts on the way!
i have started a program called original strength - based around the movements of babies - nodding, rocking back and forth, rolling and a small amount of crawling - my hip is not too keen on crawling! - the good news i can feel the benefit already! walking straighter and less tightness in muscles over all - happy :)

finally i have swung a real live kettlebell after 9 months of not been able i have been building up to this and finally got there - the good news? it went well and i had no repercussions to follow

very happy badger

Thursday, 6 March 2014

so i ran........the aftermath.....

as i thought really......
after a number of years with not so much as running across the road due to my hip pain - i ran 5 X 30 sec bursts on a treadmill with the physio on tuesday and.....
today im suffering from sore shins, sore hip flexors and achy quads! and to think i once ran 32 miles in 1 day!!!
so yesterday i rested and today i may just do some balancing work on the disc and maybe a few air swings and then repeat a couple of days this week then next week i will make an assault on actually swinging a kettlebell and an attempt at putting some structure back in my exercise returning to "exercise" rather than "rehab" - its a long road and i will be frustrated but its a road im keen on travelling.....

plans to follow..

Tuesday, 4 March 2014


13 weeks since my op and had final Physio session today.... went a little like this -
looked at the hip/scar and range of movement and proclaimed id done no damage after my slip
then checked my balance - through a weighted ball at be to catch whilst i stood on 1 leg on a bosu!! - balance is fine!
then asked me to hop on my non op leg and measured the distance and repeated on op leg and repeated a few times - both power and balance is good in op leg (power approx 80% of non op leg)
then after a warm up on the bike i went on the treadmill and i ran! just short 30 second bursts the sort of thing i may have to do to chase the kids or cross the road etc - it felt wonderful and i felt free!
finally he sat me down and told me to carry on - carry on working hard, setting goals and conquering them - and it had been a pleasure working with me

its been hard work but totally worth it and thats me im on my own now im responsible for my own self going forward and its amazing!!!!!!!

Sunday, 2 March 2014

set back, revelations and re-evaluations...........and a little progress too :)

set back - so after last weeks slip/fall i thought at the time id got away with it - not to be.... ive had some discomfort during the day and a bit of pain in bed at night - nothing extreme but enough to slow my progress ive done little in the way of rehab work as the work on the ball was too uncomfortable and the step downs were sending a reminder through me too - squats not too bad and done a few....
revelations - after 8 weeks of been a painkiller free zone i have started to notice just how much pain i have in my right shoulder and hand....i guess during 3 yrs or so of constant pill popping to relieve the hip pain it masked the others aches and niggles.....
re-evaluations - a little while ago i set some goals and whilst i have achieved the short term goals and see no reason why the long long term goals cant be met - due to the recent set back and an over optimistic view (skewed by the fact that i wasnt working at the time and didnt realise just how tough it would be doing the whole real life thing) my mid term goal of walking a marathon 6 months after hip replacement just isnt going to happen - so new goal will be.... walk a half marathon 6 months after hip op and aim for a marathon around a year to the day.....
progress - ......this week i have started the long road back to kettlebell training - nothing strenuous just some work without the bell BUT a step in the right direction all the same and the biggest plus here is i feel good there is no issues, clicking popping or otherwise....so pleased i am with this i am off to walk for an hr and half to celebrate!

on another slighty odd note i looked at my backside in the mirror this am and i still have a huge muscle deficiency around the right glute that i guess only time and hard work will improve...

that is all sng

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

baby steps on the road to kettlebell return..........

after a crap few days and a scare - having taken some advice - i did my first few sets on the road to been a warrior once more (yeah right!)

3 x 20 reps air swings

felt ok no particular issues with my hip - all be it it was sore when i started after saturdays bambi impression!!



12 weeks disaster strikes on all fronts...

so 12 weeks tomorrow - been back at work for 7 weeks - decided to take a long weekend to recharge my batteries..........
wrong!! on Thursday we awoke to the sight that the rabbit hutch had collapsed around the poor animal so had to dismantle and tip and sort a new one, my lovely wife was sitting for a wee boy in olivers class at school so next job we all went off to the park - so borrowed child decides to stand on the roundabout
me:please dont do that...
child:mummy lets me...
me:mummys not here...
child:im fine...
me:no your not....
child:crash bang wallop, scream cry etc etc
after much comforting and uncontrollable sobbing we called his mum and off to a and e - the end result was 5 hrs surgery and a plate/pin combo in his elbow - poor lads only 5!
as you can imagine we feel awful and that was thursday goosed! hip held out though 
Friday was my birthday and we had all sorts planned - wrong! lovely wife woke with a stinking stomach upset - so i was in full time dad mode from morning to bed including baths etc which is another 1st since my op - had a nice day but missed out on the planned meal in the evening and the planned scotch/wine! - hip didnt bear up so well - very tired and achy!
Saturday was youngest boys birthday to which there had been much build up (mum is terrible for winding them up like a spirng!) - wrong! mum woke up still poorly infact 5 times worse  so planned birthday party was in jeaopardy for a while but i said it would be fine and i would manage - so after a play with the new toys i set on and started to clean the house -m not problem so far...... THEN BUGGER ME IF I DIDNT SLIP AND FALL -washing kitchen floor and got on knees to scrub a stubborn bit - getting up from floor and operated leg slid straight out to side and i seriously thought id done for it! laid there screaming in pain for a good few mins and then tentatively tried to get up - all seemed ok on my knees and then when standing....i reckon i have probably stretched/torn all the muscles around it but no dislocation....pheew
woke this morning very stiff and some bruising in groin and front of hip - BUT all ok...

as for the rest i planned - well im going back to work tomorrow so ill have to rest there!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 17 February 2014

11 weeks and its becoming more of a memory.....

...and less of an obsession.

since the 27th September 2013 (the day i scheduled my operation) i have been totally wrapped up in it and everything that's gone with it-
 first it was the pre op physio/exercise - i threw myself at it and got myself into the best shape i could with limited ability and range of movement
second came the 2 week period before the op when i totally threw myself at getting my head, my family and my house and life ready for the op - it was a success the kids saw Santa and the panto and my lovely wife and i dined out and the furniture was moved and prepared and a program put in place for work
thirdly came the op its self and the 2 weeks following - again a resounding success but time i spent totally wrapped up in the moment and ignoring everything around me and concentrating on getting through
fourth came the physio/rehab work and for a full 7 weeks i through myself at this like a man possessed and im pleased to say the work was worth it
finally the last two weeks again have been all about me its also been the most difficult time - life is rapidly getting back to normal and my attachment to the whole new hip thing has to give way - but its been EVERYTHING, ALL ENCOMPASSING FOR SO LONG ITS HARD NOT TO THINK OF IT AND TALK ABOUT IT.....
but every day i think of it less i cant remember the last time  i considered it whilst doing the day to day stuff - getting out of bed, standing from a chair, walking the dog - i could go on....

so what has been a 5 month obsession preceded by 3 years of agony is finally becoming a memory.......

oh yes the boy is back in town!

Monday, 10 February 2014

Week 10 - milestone met.....

  So i had a goal - i was determined to crack it and crack it i did! - for 10 weeks i had dreamed of sitting in the bath, hot water up to my neck and book in had but until now i have been more than a little dubious about having a go.....

so Sunday came and i had an ever so slight hang over that needed a little me time to help it - so bath it was - suck it up stop been a wuss and get in the bloody bath! - that was just what i did and it was amazing....... cant wait for the next one!

in other news after what was a fairly sedate week exercise wise - i walked 2-3 times a day but not as far as i was - but i only did the ball work once and squats/balancing once - this came about due to pain/discomfort in and around my hip after doing my stepping down exercises as prescribed by the physio?? im sure it wasnt joint pain and was due to the impact of the exercise but i took it easy for a few days just incase but today i was back on it.....

after my nice warm bath i went walking and finally stopped after 4.3 miles - which was tough as it was very cold and i got very wet - and i am already sat suffering from the chill....

im planning ball work tonight and a spin on the turbo but ill see just how i feel :-(

laters sng

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

2 days in to the new regime......

..and i have discovered that not only do i struggle with the work on the fitness ball (i have no coordination to speak of!), somewhere i have well covered, underused abs that have been awoken from a long slumber and are currently screaming at me "hey fatty, whats going on?".... yes that's right the work given to me to help strengthen my glutes and hip also works my core, like it hasn't been worked in forever....

also now i am only concentrating on a couple of exercises on the non ball days - i have obviously paid more attention to form and the pistol squats have targeted my glutes just as they should - to the point that i am walking a little like john wayne today :-)

more ball work today and hopefully a spin on the turbo trainer - family life depending....

happy days....

Monday, 3 February 2014

9 weeks post op - what a week....

after last weekends walk in the cold/rain i never really felt right - i had some discomfort around my groin and my bum cheek - both i believe related to walking a lot faster in/due to the conditions
so this week i have walked all be it not as far 3 times a day
i have done the rehab work sporadically
and i have done DIY - ive scrubbed paintwork, sanded paint work moved furniture cleaned under/behind all leading up to the full on decorating of the living room
and by thursday i was starting to feel normal - i think my body maybe wanted me to slow down a little??

FRIDAY - brought a visit to the physio - he basically looked at my balance, range of movement and strength in and around the hip - all very good (even when i was stood on 1 leg on the bosu catching a 2kg ball!) - i surprised myself let alone him :)

so exercises were looked at and shaken up! as follows -
removed - 
1 leg squats
floor bridges
keeping -
stability work on disc (3times week)
step ups (as and when during day)
pistol squats (3times week)
new -
bridge on gym ball
roll in roll out on ball
1 leg bridge on ball
ball between legs and lift (laid on op side)
roll in roll out in press up position
side rotations using small weight
all 3 times per week
stepping down onto op leg - straight, left, right

no need to increase daily walking by any more but try maintain +-2miles per day - longer walk at weekend with my own goals in mind :)
build turbo sessions to 30 mins 3 times per week
so not much there then!!

Return to see him in 3 weeks for my final sessions woo hoo!

SATURDAY - up early and kids to grandparents music on - and lets paint!! thankfully id spent some time in the week doing all the prep and had it not been for fading light later in the day we would have had the room done in the day - now decorating isnt my thing - im not good at it i avoid it at the best of times BUT for the last few years i havent been "able" to do it because of the limitations from my hip so all be it a still dont like it and im still not very good at it - THIS WAS A HUGE "THING" FOR ME!!

SUNDAY - finsh the painting remove all the covering - clean up the spilled paint (thanks yvette) and move the furniture back and get everything back to normal - ish!

then after a shower etc we were heading to a birthday gathering for yvette's gran (89!!) it dawned on me that even though ive been busy all weekend i havent walked so i would walk to said gathering "its only a couple of miles i wont be long...."  famous last words! - after 1hr and 10 mins and 4 miles i arrived thoroughly ready for bed!!

onwards for another week of fun and frivolity and hopefully no decorating :) sng

Monday, 27 January 2014

8 weeks post op - diet update and some ramblings.......

so after 3 weeks back to work, normality and a high protein low carb diet - im pleased to report ive dropped 9 lbs :) - which has been tough as i really cant do much exercise in its strictest sense - if i could have approached this and combined it with some high intensity cardio intervals etc i would have dropped double - so this week i will go back to a more normal diet split 30% protein 50% carbs and 20% fat aiming for around 1800 kcals a day cycling lower and higher kcal days - aiming to drop another 1-2lb a week and slowly add in more work on the turbo trainer and keep on walking and rehabing!

Saturday was a bit of a waste again this week as the plumber was in and around for a few hrs again and i didnt get out for much of a walk and had little if any time to do the rehab work
soooooo...... made up for it on Sunday - doubled up the rehab work and walked 3.5 miles in 1 chunk in the worst weather this year which resulted in me averaging 18 min/mile (usually around 20 min/mile) and walked again in the evening - the result? WELL my right bum cheek and groin and inner thigh are all very tender - i have no worries about this it is all muscular but it just shows that even increasing pace whilst walking can work ones muscles a whole lot harder!

today i rehabbed and walked twice - nothing too strenuous just to loosen the legs followed by a 10 min session on the turbo trainer - 4 min warm up then up to 5th/min 4th/min 3rd/min 2nd/min 1st/2 min - this was testing my legs knew id done it and i actually broke a sweat - it felt awesome!!

thats me sng

Friday, 24 January 2014

just keep improving (with the odd niggle?)...........

continued to have a great week - work is seeming more like the norm and less of a chore and i am starting to feel more like my "old" self or should i say my "pre pain" self?
i stuck to my plan and built the walking so my longest daily walk is 1.5 miles+ with 2 shorter 0.5 mile walks to ease the stiffness in the morning and at lunch time- it all good
ive been riding the bike on the turbo every other day and that has brought a whole different set of aches to the table!
in general i feel like im improving BUT i do have a niggle or 2 keep getting a pain or 2 in my groin and bum cheek which definitely feels muscular and a daily ache/discomfort around the scar - problem here is i struggle tell really if it is muscular or in my new joint as i have such a big numb patch around the scar

some days i think i do too much and others i feel i could run a marathon again.....but sadly those days are gone...

onwards and upwards - goals to achieve and milestones to be smashed :-)

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

7 weeks and 1 day.......

today was so busy i didnt know if i was coming or going!

7am - 0.5 mile walk
8am - work
1pm - 0.5 mile walk
445pm - arrive home
5pm - 1.6 mile walk
6pm - dinner
645pm - 10 mins intervals on turbo trainer
705pm - rehab work
745pm - put the boys to bed
805pm - collapse

busiest day yet since returning to work and i really enjoyed it - good to be back to normal and feel normal too
lunchtime walk is now a regular thing may need to extend it a bit but all ok for now
long walk was comfortable and hilly
turbo felt good low gears/resistance and high cadence

best bit - putting my boys to bed - 1st time since the op - and the 3 of us really enjoyed stories and cuddles :)

Monday, 20 January 2014

progress, physio a whole lot of walking going on.........

after been given the go ahead to start and return to a more normal existence i have moved on this week and i am feeling a little less cripple and a lot more me!
- i dispensed with the bath board after a couple of practice runs getting in and out of the shower
-we brought the furniture in from the garage and got the house back to normal
-i returned the perching stool to the kind colleague that lent me it
-the grandad chair is history and back to its home
-and finally after my physio appointment on Friday the stick is gone!!!!

once the garage was free of furniture i spent some time on Thursday pm setting up my bike and the turbo trainer in the garage - by the time id finished i was buggered and didnt even try it!

friday am brought an early physio appointment 1st thing he told me to kick the stick into touch as long as i work hard not to limp and then a shake up of exercises which was good - for a couple of week ive felt that 3 or 4 of them were not really doing much for me as they were too easy -
-rear band raise
-side band raise
-mini squat
-stepping practice
so with those removed and the following added it is more challenging -
-pistol squats (to isolate the glutes)
-supermans (again to isolate the glutes)
-1 leg calf raises on a step/curb (changed from 2 legs)
-1 leg balancing on stability disc (change from floor exercise)

discussed with him the fact that doing the rehab stuff twice a day and walking twice a day and fitting in a full time job was leaving me shattered - he said to try and build some of the rehab work into my day (stepping up 2 stairs at a time - each time i go up stairs rather than doing as an exercise) and also to miss rehab here and there to allow my muscles to recover as the exercises are fairly advanced and amount to a body weight workout

finally he got me on the static bike and showed me how best to get on and off so i was all sett to get going at home :)

see him again in 2 week and can i get hole of an exercise ball in the meantime ready for the next stage of exercises

so Friday pm i got on to the bike ! did a massive 5 mins and got off exhausted ?? how does that work - its not the long since i rode the static bike for 40 mins at a time no problem - but itll come

Saturday was my hardest day yet - i didn't walk, bike or do my exercises - BUT i spent 5 hrs on me feet been a plumbers mate - trying to get to the bottom of why our shower is not working very well at all - definitely the hardest thing i have done pre op

Sunday was a great day - i did the rehab stuff twice as prescribed i walked round the supermarket with the family to do the "big" shop and then i walked home 3 miles all in one go! it was brill and extremely liberating i felt great :) so i got on the bike and rode 10 mins too - then i made Sunday lunch and walked the dog again - 4.5miles total furthest yet post op and a huge milestone for me

today i will mostly be resting and recovering for my next assault on the streets

laters sng

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

6 weeks post op - follow up appointment and goal setting.......

finally the time has come and i can stop counting the days post op -im now 6 weeks post op this is the magic number, this is the mile stone, this is what ive been working towards..........

so had my follow up appointment with the surgeon - for whatever reason i was nervous! not sure why but i was bricking it - somewhere in the back of my mind i think i thought there was going to be a sting in the tail after everything seemed to have gone so well.....BUT no issues, no sting in the tail - he was pleased to tell me it had gone and was doing as well if not better than expected at this stage, basically ive done all i can and its worked!! all the rehab work and walking has done the trick :)

so the burning question was do i still have to adhere to the restrictions? the answer - no not really, dont go throwing myself into life, break myself in gently and if it hurts stop - makes sense really!!  :)
can i drive? yes no problem!! 
is there anything wrong with the other one? no!!
what happens now? keep up the good work and see you in a year for a follow up+xray!!

chuffed with that - boy done good :)

followed up with a nice little 1.1 mile walk Monday pm (in addition to 0.5 m in the morning and a lunchtime stroll)

tuesday walked 0.5m in the morning + a lunchtime stroll and followed up with 1.2 miles Tuesday pm

short term
after last returning to work last week and easing off the walking this week i will be building it back up - ill include a lunchtime walk and try for an evening walk of a mile+ and aim to build that to 1.5 miles each evening and aim for longer walks sat/sun
medium term
set up the turbo trainer and build in some bike time to help with fitness and build more stamina
long term (6months-june)
this may seem a little off the wall - but im going to walk a marathon distance - ill eat fish and chips half way and drink some tea along the way and it will all be very civilised but its my goal and i can do what i want!!
long,long,long term (september 2015)
im going to do a 24 hr/100km challenge walk 

so there you have it thats my goals - im sure they will be tweaked along the way but thats where im headed

laters sng

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Dday+39,40+41 - work, shopping and some serious walking..........

finished thursday off with a pb walk of 1.4 miles and felt good for it

friday was very much a rest day - in all senses - i went to work and did my bit (and thats all it was), i did no rehab exercise and i walked very little - may sound lazy - BUT i needed it and it set me up for a good weekend........

saturday brought a trip to clifton moor to buy new sitting arrangements - our couches are 15 yrs old and your arse just about touches the floor - thus not suitable for an old fart with a hip replacement!! - and my no 1 priority when i get the all clear is to get rid of the old man chair and sit comfortably! - so new couches bought and due in mid feb - but the bigger picture here is i managed to trail round a retail park for 3.5 hrs ! and yvette said "you weren't half as stressed with it now your hips been done...." :)

then in the afternoon i walked and i just kept going and really enjoyed it and a new pb distance 1.5 miles
all rehab work done - some in the queue at costa believe it or not :)

sunday i decided as i still felt good i would have another "good" walk - so  i didnt do my rehab work early morning - i ate breakfast and took it easy then off i went - it was nowhere glamorous just a walk which ended in a 2.2 mile loop and at the end i still felt fresh - a little stiffness after a short sit down but other than that all good

rehab work done sunday evening and now parked for relax before work again tomorrow and my 6 week check up late afternoon......

laters sng

Thursday, 9 January 2014

This is rock and roll....

Monday to Thursdays rehab and walking log....

Dday+37 and 38 - work, rest and no energy for play..........

Wednesday was marginally better i wasn't as tired at work but i had skipped my rehab stuff in the morning? i just walked to get rid of the stiffness and then cracked on at work and walked and did my rehab stuff late afternoon - and i did feel much better and also slept much better too so i guess despite the sheer exhaustion it is coming and it is getting better.......

today i started early with a shorter walk and did the full set of rehab exercises - i didnt feel too bad and once again had a reasonable day until about 2pm i was full of energy and actually enjoying work :) - then i hit the theoretical "wall" and felt like i had run a marathon (and i know what that feels like) - so i struggled through to the end of work and went home head hung low - BUT not one to be beaten i went out for a little walk to stretch the stiffness out and as i walked i felt better and better and ended up walking my furthest yet !! 1.4 miles in one chunk - so happy - back home cup of tea, rest for a bit then put dinner on and did my 2nd rehab session of the day and now im resting again!!

i think if i really put my mind to it and the effort in i can find a balance and get through the days - just gotta think about it rather than ploughing on regardless

thats it sng

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Dday+36 - work again!

much the same as monday on all fronts......

up early walked 0.7 miles to loosen things up
get a bit more up to speed read more emails :(
walk 0.75 miles

only thing i did different was also do my rehab stuff before work....

not sure if thats what tipped the balance of if it was the culmination of the 2 days - BUT i was absolutely goosed - by early evening i couldnt even walk without a limp and it wasnt pain as i had no pain so it must just have been exhaustion??

so i say in the chair and got stiff then walked a bit and rinse and repeat and then went to bed to have one of the most restless nights i think i have ever had!! not sure what went wrong but i hope today is better

ill cut the walk a bit and give the rehab stuff a miss before work and see where that leaves me tonight!

laters sng

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Dday+35 - back to work..........

was it as tough as i thought?? YES..........
got up in decent time so i had no rushing around etc and time for a walk - needed to walk to get rid of the stiffness before i wen to work and sat at my desk - so walked 0.7 miles, breakfast, shower and then got collected..........
once at work it was just endless people coming in and talking to me! this i found the hardest part - for 5 week since my op i have socialized with my family and closest friends who to be fair have respected how i was feeling and we have all got along just fine - this bombardment of folks and questions and and and...........arrrghhh - found it tough repeating my story over and over and taking in lots and lots of info (all relevant to my job and needed) in such a short time - by mid morning i really just wanted to lock my door, turn the light off and hide under the desk - BUT I CANT BEND PAST 90 degrees -  so had to carry on regardless :)
by mid afternoon the continual talking/questioning died down and i could settle in and do some work which was nice to exercise the grey matter.....

mistakes i made -
should have got up and walked about more early in the day
should have got a 2nd toilet seat raiser
should have sent a round robin email detailing my op, recovery and needs going forward then i wouldn't have had to repeat them 20 times :)

left work 345 and home for 4 so not too long a day - got in and did rehab exercises and then another short walk (0.75 miles)....
ate dinner then sat like a zombie in the chair all evening - absolutely shattered is an understatement

so the plus side to returning to work -
no day time tv
no restlessness and boedom to cope with
felt useful for the 1st time in a while
and get this 1 - I SLEPT AROUND 5 HRS CONTINUOUSLY !!!!!

only downside is i have to do it all again tomorrow.........

laters sng

Monday, 6 January 2014

21 day diet plan....

Complemented with multivitamin, vitamin C, glutamine and 3l water a day mmmmmm......

Start weight 15st dead


Dday+34 - walking. rehabing and preparing for work oh and another milestone..........

sunday was spent walking, doing the exercises and resting - twas a good day - i had intended on doing less but it just didnt happen - walked 075miles in the morning with the family and dog lovely - really enjoyed, then in the afternoon i set of for a wander on my own and ended up doing more than i planned (1.3 miles) but i just enjoyed the walk!
rehab exercises are getting tougher and the new ones again tired my easily but i will just plod on......

rested a bit and then prepared food etc for mondays return to work - cooked fish and broccili and made salad and tuna all set up according to my 21 day diet plan (will post details later)....

rested more and went to bed in good time etc - didnt sleep!

as for the milestone - i finished the blood thinners and im officially drug free!!

laters sng

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Dday+33 - Rehab, walking and fish and chips to follow......

spent a full hour this morning doing my rehab work cant believe how long it takes now to fit all the exercises in!
the new exercise are tough especially stepping up and down 2 steps at once so started with 3 sets 5 - my beam end was wrecked when id finished :)
the one legged mini squats again are tough but necessary so hey ho....
the stepping practice with a pause is ok but difficult for my balance so did next to work top in case :(

all this followed up with a 1.3 mile walk - furthest yet but felt good - walked in proper shoes (rather than slips that ive lived in for the last month) which helped with the other aches and pains ive been getting

still to come another walk, maybe some weights (not likely but never say never?) and then out for fish and chip tea with my family for mums birthday

laters sng

Friday, 3 January 2014

Dday+32 - Physio, walking and feeling good......

The day started early with an 8 am physio appointment - I demonstrated my walking with and without crutches and he decided as long as I work hard at it I don't need my sticks in the house at all and really only need 1 when I'm out walking (unless the weather/conditions dictate otherwise) also went through exercises and gave some new ones as follows -
Stand on op leg and step back and forward with brief pause mid step 3 x 10 back/forward
Stand on op leg with support and do mini squat 3 x 5
Step up 2 steps and back down with op leg 3 x 5 up/down

Also modify the bridges and use 70% op leg 30% non op leg

Finally gave a deep tissue massage around the scar to try and move some "thickness"

So all in all very pleased with the visit - one stick down on to go!!

All rehab work done once today
Walked 1.1 mile am + 0.9 mile pm = 2 miles :) :)

Laters sng

1 down 1 to go!

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Dday+31 - walking and keeping busy, practising for Monday!......

so finished day 30 as i started it with a 2nd 1.1 mile walk - which left me tired and sluggish this morning......
but after a couple of paracetamol and a few cups a joe' i was good to go and my day has gone a little like this......
made chilli to go in slow cooker
walked 1.1 miles
all rehab work done
vegatables prepared for dinner
rest/read for an hr
handmade bread
washed up
and still left to do......
finished the bread
walk some more
more rehab work

NOT QUITE a days work but more than i have done in a month! - seemed like a good idea to "do some work" in anticipation of my pending return to work.......

due back on monday only 5 weeks post op - which after total hip replacement is very soon - but once the pay stops you gotta do what you gotta do....

not looking forward to it in the slightest and to be fair scared as hell but come monday off i go back to work :(

laters sng

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Dday+30 - Happy new year - walking, eating and goal setting............

so feeling a little fuggy this morning despite only having a few to see the new year in! so it was a slow start but eventually got out the door in the pouring rain accompanied by oliver on his bike and with my shiny new pedometer in my pocket.......
set the pedometer up with the following -
14st10/206lbs weight
27" stride length - average over 5 strides
measured the route online before setting off and it gave a reading of 1.13miles - pedometer suggested 2750 steps and 1.18miles - so not a million miles away - i am suspicious that it is recording the odd down stroke from my sticks!! i have downloaded a pedo app for my phone and will do some comparisons over the next few days and see how online measurement, pedometer and app compare......
as for the rest of the morning? well that was spent drinking hot chocolate and eating shortbread/quality street with my big boy!

goals for 2014............
walk without sticks or a limp!
cycle indoors initially then get on the road again
lift some iron - and enjoy it
loose some weight and give this new joint a chance.............seen as it is giving me a huge chance to get my life back.....

laters sng