Tuesday, 25 February 2014

12 weeks disaster strikes on all fronts...

so 12 weeks tomorrow - been back at work for 7 weeks - decided to take a long weekend to recharge my batteries..........
wrong!! on Thursday we awoke to the sight that the rabbit hutch had collapsed around the poor animal so had to dismantle and tip and sort a new one, my lovely wife was sitting for a wee boy in olivers class at school so next job we all went off to the park - so borrowed child decides to stand on the roundabout
me:please dont do that...
child:mummy lets me...
me:mummys not here...
child:im fine...
me:no your not....
child:crash bang wallop, scream cry etc etc
after much comforting and uncontrollable sobbing we called his mum and off to a and e - the end result was 5 hrs surgery and a plate/pin combo in his elbow - poor lads only 5!
as you can imagine we feel awful and that was thursday goosed! hip held out though 
Friday was my birthday and we had all sorts planned - wrong! lovely wife woke with a stinking stomach upset - so i was in full time dad mode from morning to bed including baths etc which is another 1st since my op - had a nice day but missed out on the planned meal in the evening and the planned scotch/wine! - hip didnt bear up so well - very tired and achy!
Saturday was youngest boys birthday to which there had been much build up (mum is terrible for winding them up like a spirng!) - wrong! mum woke up still poorly infact 5 times worse  so planned birthday party was in jeaopardy for a while but i said it would be fine and i would manage - so after a play with the new toys i set on and started to clean the house -m not problem so far...... THEN BUGGER ME IF I DIDNT SLIP AND FALL -washing kitchen floor and got on knees to scrub a stubborn bit - getting up from floor and operated leg slid straight out to side and i seriously thought id done for it! laid there screaming in pain for a good few mins and then tentatively tried to get up - all seemed ok on my knees and then when standing....i reckon i have probably stretched/torn all the muscles around it but no dislocation....pheew
woke this morning very stiff and some bruising in groin and front of hip - BUT all ok...

as for the rest i planned - well im going back to work tomorrow so ill have to rest there!!!!!!!!!!

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