Wednesday, 3 April 2013

march in a nut shell.........


plan for march was 4 x work out per as follows -


thursday-powerswing/snatch holds




stuck to the plan and missed only 1 workout through family commitments


i planned to swing, snatch and press and introduce some back work via rows (kb/bb) that is exactly what i have done - swing wise ive kept the powerswing volume high and incread weight where i can and ive increased the volume on the 2hd swings - snatch wise ive started the 2nd cycle of training and upped the number of reps on the vo2 work and added heavier snatches to the heavy work as for shoulders i have stepped back from the clean and press simply because a cannot hit the correct groove every time on my left side which results in a very painful joint - by using the kb military press and a barbell i can get into the groove and stay there without too much pain

back work is still in its infancy and i will develop this into a pattern/cycle as per the snatch and the powerswing as time goes on - at the moment im just getting the feel for it


the numbers -

160 long cycle clean and press

432 military press (various weights) 

108 barbell press (various weights)

1594 snatch various weights v02/heavy

2440 swings various weights/styles - 1 x missed workout

150 kb row

40 bb row


last months review said this ...... 

"again i planned to get control of my weight - not without success for the early part of the period then 3 x birthdays fell closely together and i gained what i had lost - BUT on a positive i have changed shape and despite the numbers on the scale my waist is smaller and my upper body has a better shape"


and to be fair and honest - NOTHING HAS CHANGED - i may even have gained a few pounds

i have to get my head in the right place and take control - no more to be said 


so in summary im pleased with the consistency and content of my workouts and could not have done much more 

as far as diet etc goes its very disappointing - i really need to sort it out 




plan for april is to continue building the 4 workouts as i have been doing and cycle the shoulder/back work better - if i can i would like to use the outdoor equipment at the local park to do some partial pull ups etc on back days


tuesday - snatch

thursday - powerswing/snatch holds

saturday - pressing/rows

sunday - swing


so far so good sng





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