Friday, 13 December 2013

build up to Dday..........

so the build up to my new hip wasn't smooth around early November the locking issue started to get really bad and on more than one occasion i scared the kids with my screaming in agony - it got to the point that i dreaded going to the toilet as each and everytime i sat down i was "stuck" and new that once i managed to get moving i would suffer for 10hrs after so the morning dump became the route of my days agony......

i visited the hospital for a pre op assessment on 26/11 - and even managed to worry this into something it wasn't - not sure why i got it in my head but i was convinced my blood pressure was going to be an issue ? (i guess short fat and ginger may have worried me!) - but all went well bloods, swabs, ecg, blood pressure and pee in pot all indicated i was fit to go ahead..........

then the same night a problem hit - at work that day i felt some discomfort in my right shoe and didnt really think anything of it it was just irritating - got home shoes off and..... bloody blisters all over my foot - now having had infection control rammed down my throat in the build up to this op i was seriously worried - got onto surgeons PA who said "Oh thats a concern.... ill talk to Mr ........." - 24hrs later i rang again and she still hadn't managed to speak to him - so this is Thursday before the op on Monday and no idea if it will go ahead! - finally got a call late afternoon on Thursday to say "ive spoken to Mr ...... he says whilst it is not impossible, its unlikey that it would prevent the op" so should i be relieved ? i had no idea but made a mental pact with myself just to go with the flow and go with the flow i did........

so spent Saturday and Sunday preparing myself mentally and getting my gear ready etc and most importantly spending some quality time with my beautiful wife and the boys...... last job i wanted to do before reporting to the hospital for 730 am Monday was put my boys to bed and read them a story so off i went - then the shout from downstairs come "you better listen to this....." Yvette comes upstairs house phone in hand (we never use the house phone.......) - basically a message from the hospital left days beforehand telling me that i no longer had to report at 730 Monday am rather 1130 Monday........ so no massive change BUT i went into serious meltdown - no idea why but i just lost the plot and couldn't deal with it! so after Yvette peeled me off the ceiling...i once again i just got on with it and tried not to loose the plot...........

to be continued.......

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