I have another blog here - http://running-and-weight.blogspot.com/ - it is all in my past BUT it was and the content was - very much MY LIFE
the very 1st post described me and how my life was and changed then the progress logged as I went along was something to be very proud of - I went from plodder to accomplished runner and ran 10 plus marathons
Injury struck, then life struck (2 wonderful children in the last 3 1/2 years) then DISASTER struck
I finally decided that it was time to get back out there and run again - and quickly I was back to it and running well up to 5 miles 2 - 3 times per week - fitness was no problem but I did have some joint pain in and around my right hip which I put down to stiffness and having done little for yrs a just plodded through it - finally the pain became too much and was effecting my foot fall - so decision made I visited my doctor
He looked at me assured nothing to worry about but sent me for X-rays - called me back in and announced "you have advanced osteoarthritis of the hip" - followed by "your a prime candidate for a replacement-if you were 20 years older"
Long and the short of it - stop running and loose weight and do it quick - we will see how you go and avoid surgery at all costs due to my age (36) - one of the shortest, understated sentences I've ever heard - BUT as always I won't go down without a fight so I looked at what I could do that would burn calories but with little impact and fairly static
The answer - KETTLEBELLS!!!!
I had babbled before and used them mainly to build strength through pressing and rowing etc - some swings but never consistently
But I read ( I'm a sponge for info) books and blogs and training logs and watched videos until I had a wealth of knowledge to put into practice - initially I did swings, swings and more swings building from 10 x 10 to 40 x 40 and more - then moved onto snatching and got onto the max protocol - see Viking warrior by Kenneth jay - I've been combining the 2 with some pressing and Turkish get ups and the result ?
I managed to drop 1 1/2 stone in the 1st 2 months and a further 1/2 in the last 2 months (would have been more but Xmas fell in the middle and my training and diet was not as good as it might been) - and that pretty much brings me to present day
The purpose of this blog is to record training and weigh in and progress - and any/all thoughts I feel I need to log somewhere
And today starts with -
A rest day
13 st 7.8
That me done for now laters sng