after a crap few days and a scare - having taken some advice - i did my first few sets on the road to been a warrior once more (yeah right!)
3 x 20 reps air swings
felt ok no particular issues with my hip - all be it it was sore when i started after saturdays bambi impression!!
a blog about my battle against my waistline using my chosen artillery - the kettlebell
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
12 weeks disaster strikes on all fronts...
so 12 weeks tomorrow - been back at work for 7 weeks - decided to take a long weekend to recharge my batteries..........
wrong!! on Thursday we awoke to the sight that the rabbit hutch had collapsed around the poor animal so had to dismantle and tip and sort a new one, my lovely wife was sitting for a wee boy in olivers class at school so next job we all went off to the park - so borrowed child decides to stand on the roundabout
me:please dont do that...
child:mummy lets me...
me:mummys not here...
child:im fine...
me:no your not....
child:crash bang wallop, scream cry etc etc
after much comforting and uncontrollable sobbing we called his mum and off to a and e - the end result was 5 hrs surgery and a plate/pin combo in his elbow - poor lads only 5!
as you can imagine we feel awful and that was thursday goosed! hip held out though
Friday was my birthday and we had all sorts planned - wrong! lovely wife woke with a stinking stomach upset - so i was in full time dad mode from morning to bed including baths etc which is another 1st since my op - had a nice day but missed out on the planned meal in the evening and the planned scotch/wine! - hip didnt bear up so well - very tired and achy!
Saturday was youngest boys birthday to which there had been much build up (mum is terrible for winding them up like a spirng!) - wrong! mum woke up still poorly infact 5 times worse so planned birthday party was in jeaopardy for a while but i said it would be fine and i would manage - so after a play with the new toys i set on and started to clean the house -m not problem so far...... THEN BUGGER ME IF I DIDNT SLIP AND FALL -washing kitchen floor and got on knees to scrub a stubborn bit - getting up from floor and operated leg slid straight out to side and i seriously thought id done for it! laid there screaming in pain for a good few mins and then tentatively tried to get up - all seemed ok on my knees and then when standing....i reckon i have probably stretched/torn all the muscles around it but no dislocation....pheew
woke this morning very stiff and some bruising in groin and front of hip - BUT all ok...
as for the rest i planned - well im going back to work tomorrow so ill have to rest there!!!!!!!!!!
wrong!! on Thursday we awoke to the sight that the rabbit hutch had collapsed around the poor animal so had to dismantle and tip and sort a new one, my lovely wife was sitting for a wee boy in olivers class at school so next job we all went off to the park - so borrowed child decides to stand on the roundabout
me:please dont do that...
child:mummy lets me...
me:mummys not here...
child:im fine...
me:no your not....
child:crash bang wallop, scream cry etc etc
after much comforting and uncontrollable sobbing we called his mum and off to a and e - the end result was 5 hrs surgery and a plate/pin combo in his elbow - poor lads only 5!
as you can imagine we feel awful and that was thursday goosed! hip held out though
Friday was my birthday and we had all sorts planned - wrong! lovely wife woke with a stinking stomach upset - so i was in full time dad mode from morning to bed including baths etc which is another 1st since my op - had a nice day but missed out on the planned meal in the evening and the planned scotch/wine! - hip didnt bear up so well - very tired and achy!
Saturday was youngest boys birthday to which there had been much build up (mum is terrible for winding them up like a spirng!) - wrong! mum woke up still poorly infact 5 times worse so planned birthday party was in jeaopardy for a while but i said it would be fine and i would manage - so after a play with the new toys i set on and started to clean the house -m not problem so far...... THEN BUGGER ME IF I DIDNT SLIP AND FALL -washing kitchen floor and got on knees to scrub a stubborn bit - getting up from floor and operated leg slid straight out to side and i seriously thought id done for it! laid there screaming in pain for a good few mins and then tentatively tried to get up - all seemed ok on my knees and then when standing....i reckon i have probably stretched/torn all the muscles around it but no dislocation....pheew
woke this morning very stiff and some bruising in groin and front of hip - BUT all ok...
as for the rest i planned - well im going back to work tomorrow so ill have to rest there!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, 17 February 2014
11 weeks and its becoming more of a memory.....
...and less of an obsession.
since the 27th September 2013 (the day i scheduled my operation) i have been totally wrapped up in it and everything that's gone with it-
first it was the pre op physio/exercise - i threw myself at it and got myself into the best shape i could with limited ability and range of movement
second came the 2 week period before the op when i totally threw myself at getting my head, my family and my house and life ready for the op - it was a success the kids saw Santa and the panto and my lovely wife and i dined out and the furniture was moved and prepared and a program put in place for work
thirdly came the op its self and the 2 weeks following - again a resounding success but time i spent totally wrapped up in the moment and ignoring everything around me and concentrating on getting through
fourth came the physio/rehab work and for a full 7 weeks i through myself at this like a man possessed and im pleased to say the work was worth it
finally the last two weeks again have been all about me its also been the most difficult time - life is rapidly getting back to normal and my attachment to the whole new hip thing has to give way - but its been EVERYTHING, ALL ENCOMPASSING FOR SO LONG ITS HARD NOT TO THINK OF IT AND TALK ABOUT IT.....
but every day i think of it less i cant remember the last time i considered it whilst doing the day to day stuff - getting out of bed, standing from a chair, walking the dog - i could go on....
so what has been a 5 month obsession preceded by 3 years of agony is finally becoming a memory.......
oh yes the boy is back in town!
since the 27th September 2013 (the day i scheduled my operation) i have been totally wrapped up in it and everything that's gone with it-
first it was the pre op physio/exercise - i threw myself at it and got myself into the best shape i could with limited ability and range of movement
second came the 2 week period before the op when i totally threw myself at getting my head, my family and my house and life ready for the op - it was a success the kids saw Santa and the panto and my lovely wife and i dined out and the furniture was moved and prepared and a program put in place for work
thirdly came the op its self and the 2 weeks following - again a resounding success but time i spent totally wrapped up in the moment and ignoring everything around me and concentrating on getting through
fourth came the physio/rehab work and for a full 7 weeks i through myself at this like a man possessed and im pleased to say the work was worth it
finally the last two weeks again have been all about me its also been the most difficult time - life is rapidly getting back to normal and my attachment to the whole new hip thing has to give way - but its been EVERYTHING, ALL ENCOMPASSING FOR SO LONG ITS HARD NOT TO THINK OF IT AND TALK ABOUT IT.....
but every day i think of it less i cant remember the last time i considered it whilst doing the day to day stuff - getting out of bed, standing from a chair, walking the dog - i could go on....
so what has been a 5 month obsession preceded by 3 years of agony is finally becoming a memory.......
oh yes the boy is back in town!
Monday, 10 February 2014
Week 10 - milestone met.....

so Sunday came and i had an ever so slight hang over that needed a little me time to help it - so bath it was - suck it up stop been a wuss and get in the bloody bath! - that was just what i did and it was amazing....... cant wait for the next one!
in other news after what was a fairly sedate week exercise wise - i walked 2-3 times a day but not as far as i was - but i only did the ball work once and squats/balancing once - this came about due to pain/discomfort in and around my hip after doing my stepping down exercises as prescribed by the physio?? im sure it wasnt joint pain and was due to the impact of the exercise but i took it easy for a few days just incase but today i was back on it.....
after my nice warm bath i went walking and finally stopped after 4.3 miles - which was tough as it was very cold and i got very wet - and i am already sat suffering from the chill....
im planning ball work tonight and a spin on the turbo but ill see just how i feel :-(
laters sng
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
2 days in to the new regime......
..and i have discovered that not only do i struggle with the work on the fitness ball (i have no coordination to speak of!), somewhere i have well covered, underused abs that have been awoken from a long slumber and are currently screaming at me "hey fatty, whats going on?".... yes that's right the work given to me to help strengthen my glutes and hip also works my core, like it hasn't been worked in forever....
also now i am only concentrating on a couple of exercises on the non ball days - i have obviously paid more attention to form and the pistol squats have targeted my glutes just as they should - to the point that i am walking a little like john wayne today :-)
more ball work today and hopefully a spin on the turbo trainer - family life depending....
happy days....
also now i am only concentrating on a couple of exercises on the non ball days - i have obviously paid more attention to form and the pistol squats have targeted my glutes just as they should - to the point that i am walking a little like john wayne today :-)
more ball work today and hopefully a spin on the turbo trainer - family life depending....
happy days....
Monday, 3 February 2014
9 weeks post op - what a week....
after last weekends walk in the cold/rain i never really felt right - i had some discomfort around my groin and my bum cheek - both i believe related to walking a lot faster in/due to the conditions
so this week i have walked all be it not as far 3 times a day
i have done the rehab work sporadically
and i have done DIY - ive scrubbed paintwork, sanded paint work moved furniture cleaned under/behind all leading up to the full on decorating of the living room
and by thursday i was starting to feel normal - i think my body maybe wanted me to slow down a little??
FRIDAY - brought a visit to the physio - he basically looked at my balance, range of movement and strength in and around the hip - all very good (even when i was stood on 1 leg on the bosu catching a 2kg ball!) - i surprised myself let alone him :)
so exercises were looked at and shaken up! as follows -
removed -
1 leg squats
floor bridges
keeping -
stability work on disc (3times week)
step ups (as and when during day)
pistol squats (3times week)
new -
bridge on gym ball
roll in roll out on ball
1 leg bridge on ball
ball between legs and lift (laid on op side)
roll in roll out in press up position
side rotations using small weight
all 3 times per week
stepping down onto op leg - straight, left, right
no need to increase daily walking by any more but try maintain +-2miles per day - longer walk at weekend with my own goals in mind :)
build turbo sessions to 30 mins 3 times per week
so not much there then!!
Return to see him in 3 weeks for my final sessions woo hoo!
SATURDAY - up early and kids to grandparents music on - and lets paint!! thankfully id spent some time in the week doing all the prep and had it not been for fading light later in the day we would have had the room done in the day - now decorating isnt my thing - im not good at it i avoid it at the best of times BUT for the last few years i havent been "able" to do it because of the limitations from my hip so all be it a still dont like it and im still not very good at it - THIS WAS A HUGE "THING" FOR ME!!
SUNDAY - finsh the painting remove all the covering - clean up the spilled paint (thanks yvette) and move the furniture back and get everything back to normal - ish!
then after a shower etc we were heading to a birthday gathering for yvette's gran (89!!) it dawned on me that even though ive been busy all weekend i havent walked so i would walk to said gathering "its only a couple of miles i wont be long...." famous last words! - after 1hr and 10 mins and 4 miles i arrived thoroughly ready for bed!!
onwards for another week of fun and frivolity and hopefully no decorating :) sng
so this week i have walked all be it not as far 3 times a day
i have done the rehab work sporadically
and i have done DIY - ive scrubbed paintwork, sanded paint work moved furniture cleaned under/behind all leading up to the full on decorating of the living room
and by thursday i was starting to feel normal - i think my body maybe wanted me to slow down a little??
FRIDAY - brought a visit to the physio - he basically looked at my balance, range of movement and strength in and around the hip - all very good (even when i was stood on 1 leg on the bosu catching a 2kg ball!) - i surprised myself let alone him :)
so exercises were looked at and shaken up! as follows -
removed -
1 leg squats
floor bridges
keeping -
stability work on disc (3times week)
step ups (as and when during day)
pistol squats (3times week)
new -
bridge on gym ball
roll in roll out on ball
1 leg bridge on ball
ball between legs and lift (laid on op side)
roll in roll out in press up position
side rotations using small weight
all 3 times per week
stepping down onto op leg - straight, left, right
no need to increase daily walking by any more but try maintain +-2miles per day - longer walk at weekend with my own goals in mind :)
build turbo sessions to 30 mins 3 times per week
so not much there then!!
Return to see him in 3 weeks for my final sessions woo hoo!
SATURDAY - up early and kids to grandparents music on - and lets paint!! thankfully id spent some time in the week doing all the prep and had it not been for fading light later in the day we would have had the room done in the day - now decorating isnt my thing - im not good at it i avoid it at the best of times BUT for the last few years i havent been "able" to do it because of the limitations from my hip so all be it a still dont like it and im still not very good at it - THIS WAS A HUGE "THING" FOR ME!!
SUNDAY - finsh the painting remove all the covering - clean up the spilled paint (thanks yvette) and move the furniture back and get everything back to normal - ish!
then after a shower etc we were heading to a birthday gathering for yvette's gran (89!!) it dawned on me that even though ive been busy all weekend i havent walked so i would walk to said gathering "its only a couple of miles i wont be long...." famous last words! - after 1hr and 10 mins and 4 miles i arrived thoroughly ready for bed!!
onwards for another week of fun and frivolity and hopefully no decorating :) sng
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