company has been taken over and i have gained a role right in the middle of all thats going on and i havent had time to shit!!!!!!
BUT im not moaning its been fun - after a couple of years of doubt hanging over the business it looks like we have a future (for now anyway!) - but so early into my hip op recovery it has been a test and i have been very very tired - but i think i passed the test and after 3 weeks of madness im still going
downside has been that exercises/walking and anything else i had dreamed of moving forward with has very much been back burning
i s till walk minimum twice a day but the lunchtime effort has been clipped a little due to meeting and been on the road
i have swung a kettlebell a few times and will continue to do as im still only capable of a small amount and it fits in well on tuesday i did it a 10pm! so i will build on this and consistency is the name of the game so i will do my level to hit 3-4 times a week
watch this space - and in the meantime i best get some more work done.........
a blog about my battle against my waistline using my chosen artillery - the kettlebell
Friday, 28 March 2014
Thursday, 13 March 2014
so far this week i have.....
walked 3 times everyday..
done 30 rounds on the heavy bag - sadly my boxing gloves were moldy in the back of the garage so i have tender knuckles and new mitts on the way!
i have started a program called original strength - based around the movements of babies - nodding, rocking back and forth, rolling and a small amount of crawling - my hip is not too keen on crawling! - the good news i can feel the benefit already! walking straighter and less tightness in muscles over all - happy :)
finally i have swung a real live kettlebell after 9 months of not been able i have been building up to this and finally got there - the good news? it went well and i had no repercussions to follow
very happy badger
done 30 rounds on the heavy bag - sadly my boxing gloves were moldy in the back of the garage so i have tender knuckles and new mitts on the way!
i have started a program called original strength - based around the movements of babies - nodding, rocking back and forth, rolling and a small amount of crawling - my hip is not too keen on crawling! - the good news i can feel the benefit already! walking straighter and less tightness in muscles over all - happy :)
finally i have swung a real live kettlebell after 9 months of not been able i have been building up to this and finally got there - the good news? it went well and i had no repercussions to follow
very happy badger
Thursday, 6 March 2014
so i ran........the aftermath.....
as i thought really......
after a number of years with not so much as running across the road due to my hip pain - i ran 5 X 30 sec bursts on a treadmill with the physio on tuesday and.....
today im suffering from sore shins, sore hip flexors and achy quads! and to think i once ran 32 miles in 1 day!!!
so yesterday i rested and today i may just do some balancing work on the disc and maybe a few air swings and then repeat a couple of days this week then next week i will make an assault on actually swinging a kettlebell and an attempt at putting some structure back in my exercise returning to "exercise" rather than "rehab" - its a long road and i will be frustrated but its a road im keen on travelling.....
plans to follow..
after a number of years with not so much as running across the road due to my hip pain - i ran 5 X 30 sec bursts on a treadmill with the physio on tuesday and.....
today im suffering from sore shins, sore hip flexors and achy quads! and to think i once ran 32 miles in 1 day!!!
so yesterday i rested and today i may just do some balancing work on the disc and maybe a few air swings and then repeat a couple of days this week then next week i will make an assault on actually swinging a kettlebell and an attempt at putting some structure back in my exercise returning to "exercise" rather than "rehab" - its a long road and i will be frustrated but its a road im keen on travelling.....
plans to follow..
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
13 weeks since my op and had final Physio session today.... went a little like this -
looked at the hip/scar and range of movement and proclaimed id done no damage after my slip
then checked my balance - through a weighted ball at be to catch whilst i stood on 1 leg on a bosu!! - balance is fine!
then asked me to hop on my non op leg and measured the distance and repeated on op leg and repeated a few times - both power and balance is good in op leg (power approx 80% of non op leg)
then after a warm up on the bike i went on the treadmill and i ran! just short 30 second bursts the sort of thing i may have to do to chase the kids or cross the road etc - it felt wonderful and i felt free!
finally he sat me down and told me to carry on - carry on working hard, setting goals and conquering them - and it had been a pleasure working with me
its been hard work but totally worth it and thats me im on my own now im responsible for my own self going forward and its amazing!!!!!!!
looked at the hip/scar and range of movement and proclaimed id done no damage after my slip
then checked my balance - through a weighted ball at be to catch whilst i stood on 1 leg on a bosu!! - balance is fine!
then asked me to hop on my non op leg and measured the distance and repeated on op leg and repeated a few times - both power and balance is good in op leg (power approx 80% of non op leg)
then after a warm up on the bike i went on the treadmill and i ran! just short 30 second bursts the sort of thing i may have to do to chase the kids or cross the road etc - it felt wonderful and i felt free!
finally he sat me down and told me to carry on - carry on working hard, setting goals and conquering them - and it had been a pleasure working with me
its been hard work but totally worth it and thats me im on my own now im responsible for my own self going forward and its amazing!!!!!!!
Sunday, 2 March 2014
set back, revelations and re-evaluations...........and a little progress too :)
set back - so after last weeks slip/fall i thought at the time id got away with it - not to be.... ive had some discomfort during the day and a bit of pain in bed at night - nothing extreme but enough to slow my progress ive done little in the way of rehab work as the work on the ball was too uncomfortable and the step downs were sending a reminder through me too - squats not too bad and done a few....
revelations - after 8 weeks of been a painkiller free zone i have started to notice just how much pain i have in my right shoulder and hand....i guess during 3 yrs or so of constant pill popping to relieve the hip pain it masked the others aches and niggles.....
re-evaluations - a little while ago i set some goals and whilst i have achieved the short term goals and see no reason why the long long term goals cant be met - due to the recent set back and an over optimistic view (skewed by the fact that i wasnt working at the time and didnt realise just how tough it would be doing the whole real life thing) my mid term goal of walking a marathon 6 months after hip replacement just isnt going to happen - so new goal will be.... walk a half marathon 6 months after hip op and aim for a marathon around a year to the day.....
progress - ......this week i have started the long road back to kettlebell training - nothing strenuous just some work without the bell BUT a step in the right direction all the same and the biggest plus here is i feel good there is no issues, clicking popping or otherwise....so pleased i am with this i am off to walk for an hr and half to celebrate!
on another slighty odd note i looked at my backside in the mirror this am and i still have a huge muscle deficiency around the right glute that i guess only time and hard work will improve...
that is all sng
revelations - after 8 weeks of been a painkiller free zone i have started to notice just how much pain i have in my right shoulder and hand....i guess during 3 yrs or so of constant pill popping to relieve the hip pain it masked the others aches and niggles.....
re-evaluations - a little while ago i set some goals and whilst i have achieved the short term goals and see no reason why the long long term goals cant be met - due to the recent set back and an over optimistic view (skewed by the fact that i wasnt working at the time and didnt realise just how tough it would be doing the whole real life thing) my mid term goal of walking a marathon 6 months after hip replacement just isnt going to happen - so new goal will be.... walk a half marathon 6 months after hip op and aim for a marathon around a year to the day.....
progress - ......this week i have started the long road back to kettlebell training - nothing strenuous just some work without the bell BUT a step in the right direction all the same and the biggest plus here is i feel good there is no issues, clicking popping or otherwise....so pleased i am with this i am off to walk for an hr and half to celebrate!
on another slighty odd note i looked at my backside in the mirror this am and i still have a huge muscle deficiency around the right glute that i guess only time and hard work will improve...
that is all sng
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